Our location in the premier entertainment district of downtown Columbus, Ohio offers an unrivaled fitness club experience.
The Arena District in downtown Columbus is a popular neighborhood featuring sports, entertainment, food and drink, and modern residential living options.
With its exceptional dining, accessible parking, live entertainment and affordable hotels – families, couples and singles alike can enjoy the district and all that it has to offer.
A clean, safe place to workout!
The health and safety of our members and staff continues to be of the utmost importance. As such, we’ve adjusted some services and facility offerings in order to meet social distancing and safety requirements to provide the safest, cleanest Club possible!

Hours of Operation
Complimentary Parking
Two hours of complimentary parking is available at the Neil Ave. Garage (members pay a one time fee of $10 to be issued a parking fob to use at the Neil Ave. Garage). Designated parking spaces are reserved for Club Members located on the lower level of the garage. Get directions »