Sugary drinks linked to higher risk of premature death, - Arena District Athletic Club Skip to main content

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Bill Brown
Mar 28, 2019

Sugary drinks linked to higher risk of premature death,

especially for women, study says

(CNN)Frequent consumption of sugary drinks such as sodas, sports drinks and juice is linked to an increased risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease and, to a lesser extent, from cancer, according to new research.

Image result for sugar

Compared with women who had sugary beverages less than once per month, those who had more than two servings a day — defined as a standard glass, bottle or can — had a 63% increased risk of premature death, according to a study published Monday in the journal Circulation. Men who did the same had a 29% increase in risk.
Those who consumed more than one sugary beverage per month but fewer than two per day seemed to experience a dose effect: the more they drank, the greater the risk. The association weakened but remained true when researchers adjusted for lifestyle factors including dietary factors and physical activity, demographics and family history of Type 2 diabetes.
“There’s been previous studies that have shown strong and consistent links between the consumption of sweetened beverages and weight gain, Type 2 diabetes, as well as other cardiometabolic conditions such as heart disease and stroke,” said lead study author Vasanti Malik, a research scientist and adjunct lecturer in the Department of Nutrition in the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The next step, Malik explains, was to examine how sugary beverages relate to the risk of premature death.
CATEGORIES: Nutrition & Health

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