The Keys To Making Exercise a Daily Habit - Arena District Athletic Club Skip to main content

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Bill Brown
Jan 15, 2020

The Keys To Making Exercise a Daily Habit

Now that you are well into the our healthy lifestyle, you might be finding that keeping those healthy exercise resolutions are more of a challenge than you initially thought. Busy daily schedules between work, school, errands, taking care of the kids and cooking meals for the family can leave you exhausted at the end of the day and feeling unmotivated to squeeze in a workout. But don’t worry, because not all hope is lost on your health and fitness goals. The keys to making exercise a daily habit are attainable!

By following a few simple guidelines, you can make exercise an easy incorporation into your daily or weekly routine.

  1. Set a realistic goal. If this is your first time to commit to regular exercise, start slow and easy. Rather than commit to five days a week, start with two. If you try for five days a week and find that you cannot make every day, your confidence and determination will start to wane, and you’ll eventually give up on the routine. Instead, start with something you can realistically accomplish. The same principle applies to your fitness and weight loss goals. Set small goals and gradually work your way up to bigger goals once you feel you are ready to step up.
  2. Pick a workout time that works for you. Everyone is different when it comes to exercise abilities and energy levels. If you’re not a morning person, or if you find that your energy is not high in the early hours, a morning workout is not ideal. Instead, hit the gym during your lunch break or in the evenings. Those who hate waking up early or do not feel motivated to exercise first thing in the morning likely won’t keep the routine.
  3. Plan ahead. Pack a gym bag the night before so you already have what you need ready to go the next day. That way, you cannot say, “Oh, I can’t workout today because I forgot my shoes.” Being prepared and ready is a key step to feeling motivated and not having an excuse not to go.
  4. Choose an activity you enjoy. Doing something you like is essential to staying motivated. Those who dislike their workout or feel that they are not getting the results they wanted are more likely to give up early no matter how much they want results.

Studies have shown that three weeks is all it takes to establish a long-term routine. So don’t give up just yet on your new workouts. Keep it up for just a couple more weeks and give your best effort in making exercise a part of your daily lifestyle.


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